Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Growing Up!

Claire had her 1 month doctors appointment last Monday. She gained over 2 pounds since leaving the hospital and weighs 7lbs. 5 ozs. She is growning up oh so fast. The doctor said that everything looks great and that seems to be a very content baby. Claire loves her bath time a lot and lounging in her boppy. We also brought up her swing yesterday and put her in that. She had a good time in it for a little bit. It is alot different for her so I think she needs to get used to it. Sara has also been giving Claire lots of tummy time. She has started to lift her head up and look around a little bit when she is laying on her tummy. She also likes to sit up on your shoulder and look around. She has been doing very well holding her head up in small intervals. The weeks are going by so fast and every minute of every day is a new adventure.

Not much new with the family. Two nights this past week it was 6 degrees here. 6! I mean we live in GA! It is supposed to stay kind of warm.......right? We had a few snow flurries last night but not much to talk about.

We really have no new pictures. We have not been camera crazy lately because of being so busy. The next few weekends will be jammed packed. Today all of our friends are coming over to watch the football games. Next Saturday night we are going to our friends house and then Sunday it is up to the cottage to spend the day with Dad and Deb. Then the week after that we will be over to Vinny and Katie's to watch the Super Bowl. Claire will get to have a lot of new adventures over the next few weeks.

Here is a collage I did of Claire. I am going to do one every month so we can see how much she grows. Our love to all!