Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Almost.......but not quite

Yes you read the title right. Tuesday night we had an "almost" moment. Sara had been feeling pretty bad all day. Since about 3:30pm on Tuesday she had been having contractions. When I got home at 5 they had become a little more steady. I asked Sara if she called the doctor and her answer was no. I laughed when she said "I do not want to be one of those crazy people that think they are in labor when they are not". I told her to go call the doctor.

Well Sara called them and they were very nice. She went through all the symptoms and they suggested to Sara to take a hot bath and relax. They said to time the contractions and call them back in an hour. We started timing them and she was having about 8 an hour. We ended up calling them back almost 2 hours later to let them know the situation. At this time the contractions were getting a lot stronger than they were a few hours ago. They told us to head down to the hospital.

So Sara got her bag together and gathered Claire's. I grabbed the camera, laptop and the bags and we head out the door. Oh but wait! If we were having this child tonight we need a car seat, DUH! So I ran back in the house, grabbed the car seat and then we were out the door.

They got Sara in the hospital and hooked her up to every machine they had. Well her cervix was at 1 cm and they decided that since Claire was not in any stress that they would give Sara medication to stop the contractions and see what happens. Well the medicine worked. Sara stopped contracting and they sent us home around 2am.

They said that the main goal was to get Sara to 36 weeks. They stated that the babies are still premature if born before 36 weeks and they would like to get Sara a little further along. They said if she would have still been contracting after taking the medicine or her water broke they would have let her go. We also went to the doctor today and Dr. Nix was great. She went over the whole situation with us and reassured us that everything looked great.

Just an observation on my daughter. Sara is right, that child NEVER stops. They had Sara hooked up to the monitor and she did not stop moving the whole time we were there. She was SOOOOO loud on that thing. The nurse would come in every time and she could not believe how active she was. Sara always said that is a huge reason why she could not sleep at night. Now I see why.

Well we are back at home and I have a Thanksgiving feast to prepare tomorrow. Sara is very very excited about being home for that. Our love to everyone and we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!